Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project

+ Keangnam Enterprises Co., Ltd
+ Namkwang engineering & construction., ltd
Items in the project implementation:
+ Testing bored piles
+ Providing measuring - monitoring instrument for embankment work
+ Providing equipment and testing to control construction quality
+ Testing for quality control of bored piles
+ Embankment stability and settlement monitoring
+ Providing laboratory equipment and laboratory quality control of construction
+ Bore of additional geotechnical investigation services
Work name:
+ Soft soil improvement measures - Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, Package EX2 |
+ Testing bored piles - Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, Package EX2 |
+ Establishment and operation of site laboratory, package EX4- Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway project |
+ Delivery Service of measuring - monitoring instrument for embankment work under Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, package EX4 |
+ Testing bored piles under Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, package EX4 |
+ Additional geotechnical investigation - EX2 - Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, Package EX2 |
+ Additional geotechnical investigation – EX4 - Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, Package EX4 |
+ Establishment and Operation of on-site testing Laboratory - Ha Noi - Hai Phong Expressway Project, Packge EX2 |